Çerez Politikası

Cookie Policy 

as {{siteurl}}  ; Various types of cookies are used on the site in order to carry out statistical studies on site usage, to make targeted advertisements/promotions and to provide you with an effective customer experience. These are session cookies, persistent cookies, essential cookies, functionality cookies, analytics cookies, commercial cookies and third party cookies. 

 Cookies enable the website to work properly and develop, to personalize and improve the user experience, to visit the websites without logging in and/or to send commercial-social notifications to the website and in general to the website users-visitors both on the relevant website and on other websites (social media). These are small pieces of data placed on computers and mobile devices for the purpose of providing and transmitting general or customized information, advertisements and promotions (including media-networks and online advertising networks).   (For example: if you change the page when you add a product to the cart, the product you add may continue to appear in your cart) Cookies are kept on computers-devices for a suitable period of time, provided that the legal maximum period, if any, is not exceeded. 

 Visitors using our site are deemed to have accepted the above-mentioned application, as well as the processing of the relevant cookies in the personal data legislation and other parts of this information text for the purposes and scope-conditions stipulated for your various information (including transfer-sharing and use to third parties in this framework). 

 Visitors can remove cookies and/or stop the aforementioned notifications at any time by editing the settings of the program and/or operating system and/or internet browser on their devices (In this case, it should be known that our Site/related device/program may not work as desired and/or not be aware of the contents of the notification).